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I have already outed numerous, deadly serious NWO / Illuminati “marriages in hell” during the past several years, among those being the marriage of Facebook, Big Corporate Sponsors and RFID technology.
Now add to the NWO‘s heinous “flavor of the week” assault on American sensibilities, this newest jaw dropper, which breaks every constitutional principle known, in my opinion. Listen carefully to the newscast in the video posted with this essay. If you had any doubts about where the ley lines of secret power in this country actually converge, I’m pretty sure this will clear things up for you. We are dealing with a Corporate and US Military – Industrial Complex that is wildly out of control, playing way out of bounds with the delicacies of human behavior modification. The great American pastime of watching TV is neither fun, innocent, or safe any more. Read on.
US military PSY OP personnel have been tacitly hired and placed in positions of employment at national and local TV stations, here in the US. The reason being, to learn more about how to affect and change human behavior through media and television programming, as well as to make an effort to alter human behavior through participating in the creation of certain types of broadcasts, otherwise known as “psychological operations” aka mind control, aka “social and behavioral engineering through TV media broadcasting.”
PSY OPS are military war-related strategies, something that the military does during warfare to affect and alter the behavior and reactions of enemy targets. They should not be used by the US military own it’s own people! The American people have not asked for, nor have they given any kind of consent to be used as unwitting social engineering guinea pigs for the PSY OPS of our US military.
I find this revelation both ominous, heinous, an obscene abuse of power, and an absolute outrage. Anyone else in their right mind, considering all the awful implications, would feel the same way.
I began begging people to turn off their TV sets years ago. Now I feel I really need to urgently reiterate that advice. You can get all the news and entertainment you would ever want or need right off the internet, without being made the unknowing experimental subject of a US military PSY OP, disguised as a TV program. This breaking story is a mega wake up call for Americans to snap out of their TV addicted stupor and to realize how this medium can and will be used against them by those in power who abuse that power.
All you have to do is turn it off. Television viewing is not “mandatory.” Find other ways to get your news and entertainment, and they are dozens of them. I am imploring readers to take this story seriously and to realize what it implies. If there is no outcry against this, then there will be no end to what will begin streaming out of the TV and into the citadel of your own personal consciousness over the next few years.
Stop and think, really think about what this implies. It is a breach of the public trust at the most visceral and personal level, and it cannot be allowed to continue.
CNN has already been outed earlier for hiring US military PSY-OPS personnel [ those skilled in psychological operations, which means behavior modification through a variety of means and methods, many of which are subliminal and highly covert, and unethical ] and as a result, they eliminated the military PSY OP people from their staffs and then reported they had done so.
But this ugly revelation raises all kinds of equally ugly questions:
Who had the authority to place US military PSY OP personnel in positions of employment at national or local TV stations?
Worse yet, why? Just exactly what kind of psychological operations, disguised as television programming, were being planned, implemented, and how much of this kind of programming has already gone out over the airwaves?
I would be willing to place a wager that the long term goal in this wicked infiltration of local TV programming by military PSY OP personnel was or is to create television programming that will “soften up the American masses” for a series of things, which might, for example, fall under these broad categories:
Convincing the television viewing public that accepting an embedded RFID chip is for their own good and for the protection of their identity. [ WRONG! ]
Convincing and persuading the US TV viewing public that our overseas involvement in ever escalating conflicts is for our “national security” and is in our best interest. [ WRONG! ]
Propping up the almost inconceivably incompetent presidency of Barack Obama, and persuading the US TV viewing audience that he should be re-elected. [ WRONG again.]
This horrendously dire story ranks as one of the most serious breaches of the public trust in television broadcasting that I have ever read about in America. It should not be taken lightly, and people need to speak out about it – en masse and loudly.